Setting up Second IP address or Virtual IP address in Ubuntu

If you are a server system administrator or normal user some time you need to assign a second ipaddress to your Ubuntu machine.For this you need to edit the /etc/network/interfaces file and you need to add the following syntax.Below one is the only example you need to chnage according to your ip address settings

sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces

auto eth0:1
iface eth0:1 inet static
network x.x.x.x
broadcast x.x.x.x
gateway x.x.x.x

You need to enter all the details like address,netmask,network,broadcast and gateways values after entering all the values save this file and you need to restart networking services in debian using the following command to take effect of our new ipaddress.

After entering all the details you need to restart networking services using the following command

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

Force Postfix to bind to a set ip address

Add the following to your file (/etc/postfix/

smtp_bind_address =

to set tell smtp to bind to this IP (smtp_bind_address6 if using IPv6).
note that with this smtp will always use this IP (contrast with the
default when smtp binds to “any address” and it is the routing code that
selects the source IP based on the route (outgoing interface).

Upgrading SQL Express 2005 to SQL Standard 2008

We have been using the Helm Control Panel for some time now, but thought it would be better to upgrade to the full version of SQL Server.

This was possibly a mistake.

First of all you cant seem to just upgrade to SQL Standard 2008 from SQL Express 2005. So here is my way round.

Backup your HELM4DB using Express management studio and copy this backup to somewhere safe!!!!

Next uninstall all SQL Express products from Add remove programs and reboot.

Once rebooted you need to install SQL Server 2008 Standard or enterprise. I will be using Standard.

***Please note if you are using a 64 bit machine with windows 64 bit os you need to run setup as follows or the install will not work!!***

Launch a command prompt and cd to the setup directory and run the following:>

setup.exe /Action=Install /INSTALLSHAREDWOWDIR=xxxxxxxxxxxx

where xxxxx is the folder where you want it to be installed.

The above should now let you install. If you still get an error change the folders to Microsft SQL Server1 which worked for me.

Once the install is complete if you didn’t install SP! you will now need to or the Management Studio will not work!

Once you can load the Management Studio restore the Helm4DB Backup you took and check the configuration in the Helm Config Tool.

All Done!